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I am a postdoc at the London School of Economics in the ERC SOLID Project where I work with Waltraud Schelkle.

Previously, I was a Swiss Government Excellence Scholar at the University of Geneva, where I collaborated with Thomas Sattler. I was a Max Weber Fellow with Dorothee Bohle at the SPS department of the European University Institute. I received my PhD from the Central European University (CEU) summa cum laude with no revisions under the supervision of Achim Kemmerling. My PhD was awarded the best doctoral dissertation prize for my work on the social sources of austerity in the UK and France. At CEU, I chaired the Political Economy Research Group (PERG).

I have held visiting fellowships at Cornell University, the London School of Economics and the EUI and have worked at the European Central Bank, the European Commission (DG ECFIN) and the OSCE. I graduated from the Sorbonne (BA), Sciences Po Paris (MA & MRes) and the College of Europe (MA).

CV available upon request.